Care of Your Leather Bondage Equipment and Gear.

slave-in-cageThe care of your leather bondage equipment is of the up most importance as the investment you have made was probably financially very high.

Leather must be kept in a warm and dry place with as little humidity variations as possible.

You must ensure that a regime of regular inspection and cleaning takes place and introducing all your kinky leather equipment to fresh air to allow it to breath.

Use as good quality wax based polish.

Equestrian leather tack polish is very suitable,rub well in a leave for as long as possible before you buff it of leaving all your leather gleaming.

Clean all metal fittings with a soft cloth using your wax polish.

Do not leave your equipment in a bag in the wardrobe , or under the bed to gather dust.

Make the cleaning of your equipment part of your scene giving you a reason to critise and inspect work for punishment for sloppy maintenance.

Do not use spray polish such used on furniture as this has water in the mixture and can lead to encouraging mould to grow on the leather surface.

Once you get that white mould on the leather it will return time after time and eventually rot the stitching,cause cracks in the surface of the leather, also encouraging the metal ware to go rusty and pitted.

You must remove the mould spores straight away, use an anti fungal wash or dilluted bleach, rinse of ,dry and polish.

Inspect all your leather on a regular bassis.


StrictlyLeather has a full refurbishment service that will repair or re instate broken metal ware.

Alterations and any other changes you may care to make. Get in touch for any details you may require.

If you require any advice or assistance in regards to your leather wear then please get in touch maybe we can help you.

Mistress Penny  (Copyright) 2016


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