Teeth of Kali Erection Inhibitor Male Chastity
The teeth of Kali also know as "The monks chastity ring".
A simple leather disk that has internal sharp points.
A stern reminder to the wearer that an erection is not advisable. Originally made from brass and worn by "Sadhu's in India hence the ref to Kali,
Also it is told that a certain order of monks also wore this item made from ivory.
"Dan Browns " religious Villain in "The Da Vinci Code".
Our version is constructed from heavy leather hide, with two eyelets on each disk for a leather thong to be threaded through, thong also supplied.
This item is offered x 1.
Each one has a different internal diameter, place small at the top and larger at the bottom of the penis shaft.
Simple but very effective.
How to use this item.
Select the larger toothed disk and place at the base of the penis shaft when soft then place the other smaller disk just under the tip of the penis, thread the thong through the holes a tie it into a loop securely under the testicles bending the shaft down and under.
You can use multiple sets if desired and use a small padlock rather than the thong.
Made In England.